Friday 7 May 2021

1975-11-08 - Look-in - "Three Cheers for Adrian!" Contest, Interview & Poster

Interview Text

"Sherry" was his launching-pad to stardom...

Three cheers for Adrian!

Adrian Baker is a new name in the pop music world. With a very distinctive voice. ln fact, many distinctive voices! For Adrian is a highly-talented harmony singer. He did all the vocals on his first hit record “Sherry”, the old Four Seasons number, which went high up the charts a couple of months ago.
He told Look-in's Richard Tippett recently: “l’ve always been into music. You see. I was chained to a piano from the age of seven! My parents were both semi-professional musicians and they were a great inspiration.”
Why had Adrian decided to record “Sherry”? “Well, when I was in a local Ilford group we played “Sherry” often on the road, because we used to like Four Seasons’ songs, and that one always went down well.
“No-one actually decided before-hand that “Sherry” should be released as a single. It was just that there was some spare time in the studio while I was recording my album, and someone came up with the idea of giving it a go. It was a spontaneous thing.”
Adrian is a skilled musician, too. Although he used a drummer, bass player and keyboard player on the recorded single, he was required to play every instrument — bar drums — when he appeared on “Top Of The Pops”. He taped the instrumental performance before the show — and from start to finish it was a three-hour job!
What about future plans for Adrian? His second single “Candy Baby” is on release now, a worthy follow-up to “Sherry”.
“I’m trying to get a band together. I’ve got a couple of people in mind. and I hope to have it on the road by January.”
What Adrian has got together is his first album release. It’s due out this month, and we’re offering it as a prize...

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