Friday 7 May 2021

1975-10-25 - Jackie - "Baker Uses His Loaf!" Interview

Interview text

It's surprising how some of the great pop records are made purely by accident. But that's how Adrian Baker's first hit, the super “Sherry” came about.
“The song was really recorded on the spur of the moment,” Adrian told me. “We'd booked the studio for a certain period and after doing all the numbers I’d intended, we still had some spare time left over. So l said, “What shall we do now?” and after thinking it over for a while I decided that ‘Sherry’ should be the one.”
Another interesting fact about “Sherry” is that Adrian did all the various voices and played all the instruments, except drums, on the record!
“I can play drums as well (!!!)” Adrian confessed, “though not confident enough for a record. But I did play all the strings and keyboards on the song. As for the voices, my favourite groups have always been the harmony ones like the ‘Beach Boys’ and the ‘Four Seasons.’
“Eventually I started singing their tunes and then I got the craze of experimenting with my tape recorder and over-dubbing till I discovered I could harmonise with myself and sing all the different parts as well.”

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